In the Writing Mode

I’ve been all over the web recently to promote my writing. I’ve sent in articles (Isn’t the internet wonderful?) and I’ve also been working a lot on my Squidoo lenses. My newest lens Pine Ridge Reservation or Prison Camp had only been published for 18 hours and won the Purple Star. I was surprised and honored.
If you have not heard of Squidoo (I know, the name sounds silly), it is a writing and publishing platform created by Seth Godin. Seth believes that everyone is an expert at something. To date, I have 122 lenses on all kinds of topics. If you would like to check Squidoo out and possibly make a little extra money, click here
We very much wanted to make it up to the reservation before the snow started flying, but I am not sure that will happen now. Autumn has made a sudden entrance and it seems there may be an early winter. I am a road warrior, but I don’t like driving up into the hills in snow and ice!
Until next time…

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